April 06, 2013

Ciptaan Illahi : Rabbits-Pet project


 Here is my favourite baby nab named RAINBOW :)
Actually, i couldn't recognize yet her/his gender. 
Cannot see maaa. Malu!
Rainbow is our third generation rabbit which are alive.
Sad story : Snake-as a Predator |  Rabbit-as a Prey
Sad story : Bapak Rainbow (Pok Ndur) | Died | Heart attack HAHA 


am i cute? 
For sure i want to show you how Putih's teeth and others look like.
Their teeth are really, really cute. We saw them day by days.
If you put your finger in their mouth, they will bite gently.
Surely, its will be fun!

Both: Putih and Cikko (except Rainbow) , they became active lately.
If we put them out of the 'sangkar', 
they will run run run run and run wherever they want.
They keep running even when we want to put them back onto 'sangkar'.
We chased after them and we rather use 'serkup' to catch them back
For sure they would never stop running and we gave up.

Comelkan ciptaan Illahi?
Marilah sama-sama menyingkap kebesaran Allah pada setiap ciptaanNya :)

Nota: Rainbow ni dia lembab sikit pada mulanya. Tumbesaran dia terbantut sebab abang dan kakaknya selalu tidur berhimpit di atasnya. Bila dia jalan kaki dia cepat terpeleot. Badan dia mudah jatuh. Sekali tengok macam cacat. Tapi, jangan bimbang sebab kami selalu jenguk dia. Ambil dan gosok-gosokkan kaki dia tu. Macam buat urutan la. Alhamdulillah, sekarang sudah sembuh. Cikmbow sangat manja dan suka sangat tidur merata-rata tempat.
Masa kecik : jatuh lagi! =="

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